Filariasis Information
Filariasis is a parastic infestation with the filarial worm. Filarial worms selectively infect the lymphatics and the tissues just beneath the skin.
There are 8 infective species that are parasitic on humans, but the commonest are brugei malayi. Filaria is transmitted by the culex mosquito. Infection is transmitted by mosquito bite.
Symptoms of Filariasis
- The infestation may be present for a long time without any complaints.
- lymph node sweeling and lymphangitis
- swollen, inflamed lumps at the sites of lymph nodes, and red streaky inflammation with cellulitis may accompany high fever
- hydrocoele is a common complication
As lymphatic obstruction becomes more severe, teh skin changes called elephantiasis develop. The legs are commonly affected. The skin becomes thickned and the limbs are swollen.
Treatment is with anti-filarial drugs.