Kyphosis - symptom, Treatment of Kyphosis
Kyphosis Information
Kyphosis is an abnormal outward curving of the spine in the chest area, causing your back to appear even more rounded than usual. It is the extreme curvature of the upper back also known as a hunchback. Kyphosis can be in the form of hyperkyphosis or sharp angular gibbus deformity. Kyphosis acquired during the younger years requires treatment directed at the cause, such as medications for tuberculosis. Preventing osteoporosis is within the grasp of modern medicine. Treatment of kyphosis depends on the type of kyphosis, and whether the curve in the spine is causing pain or any other symptoms.
Symptoms of Kyphosis
Common symptoms include:
- Mild back pain ,
- fatigue (tiredness),
- tenderness and stiffness in your back, and
- tight muscles in the back of your thighs, which may cause pain .
Causes of Kyphosis
Frequent causes of kyphosis are:
- Postural round-back
- Scheuermann's Disease
- Congenital Kyphosis
- Kyphosis associated with neuromuscular disorders
- Kyphosis secondary to trauma, tumors, infection, and arthritis